Up from the mountains to the deepest sight
A river flows straight downright.
You can't go down as it falls with all might
At left brink or right, you have to reside
Coz life is all about taking sides.

Waking up in the east, sleeping in the west
Sighting the moon, sun goes to rest.
Its either aurora or its night
Coz life is all about taking sides.

It's one step ahead or one step away
Just standing still, one can't sway.
Moving back or forth is up to your choice
Coz life is all about taking sides.

A clock plays on as the pendulum sway
For time to move, it has to make way.
It can either go left or favour the right
Coz life is all about taking sides.

Chess is all elements black and white
One colour you choose, the other you fight.
Playing both fronts obsoletes the strife
Coz life is all about taking sides.

Swinging in the breeze, a blossoming tree
Shatters to the earth by an axe's spree.
Advocate the axe or the tree you patronize
Coz life is all about taking sides.

Moral or vile, legal or illicit, brutal or kind
The difference is all in being wrong and right.
You can aid  the wronged or add to his plight
Coz life is all about taking sides.


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