Should I celebrate Independence today?

Should I celebrate Independence today?
When I am trapped in a monsters' ocean
Monsters that guard my dignity and decisions
And monsters which decide my food and potion.

Should I celebrate Independence today?
While I can't live my life to my own
While I can't decide for myself
And can't travel to land even known.

Should I celebrate Independence today?
When I am guarded by prejudices all around
Prejudices of the time of apes
Stopping me from flying around.

Should I celebrate Independence today?
While my dignity is at stake
When any or many of dignified men
Can snatch it away whenever they wake.

Should I celebrate Independence today?
When I can't even raise my voice
Against the evils, against the bondages
Which I am forced to face without any choice.

Should I celebrate Independence today?
In a nation that is free from 71 years
Yet a slave of prejudices and notions
Which give women only fears and tears.
Should I?


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